vegetable crops

cow pea

HEALTH BENEFITS:- Cowpea tones the spleen, stomach and pancreas; it helps induce urination and relieves damp conditions like leucorrhea. The soluble fiber found in these beans have a low glycemic index and provide low risk for diabetes. The high fiber content also plays an important role in...

cluster been

HEALTH BENEFITS:- It helps to regulate glucose levels thereby prevents diabetes, Presence of rich water soluble dietary fiber, it aids to digestion and improves digestive function, and relieves constipation. It  also provide relief from colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome, and crohn’s...


HEALTH BENEFITS:- The beans are used as an aphrodisiac, for fevers, stomach problems, and as an antispasmodic. When the beans are used regularly in a diet, they prevent a build-up of cholesterol. bean have antimicrobial and antifungal properties . The bean are used for the treatment of...

snake gourd

HEALTH BENEFITS:- snakegourd juice has been found effective in treating dandruff. The juice should be massaged into the scalp. This is an easy home remedy for dandruff. Snakegourd leaves have been found useful in jaundice (hepatitis). An infusion prepared by boiling snakegourd leaves in...

ribbed gourd

HEALTH BENEFITS:-   It improves digestion, prevents constipation, and helpful for the treatment of piles. Sponge is harvested from matured ridge gourds, and that is being used traditionally to clean the skin, as it is able to remove dead cells on the skin, leaving the skin glowing and...

bitter gourd

HEALTH BENEFITS:- It has the ability to increase the insulin sensitivity in our body. anti-cancer property. It can prevent malaria bacteria from growing.  It also has inflammatory characteristic. SIDE EFFECTS:- It can cause hypoglycaemia due to charantin present on it.Try to balance...


HEALTH BENEFITS:- The phytochemicals in onions improve the working of Vitamin C in the body, thus gifting you with improved immunity. Onions contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar. For centuries, onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections. Do you enjoy...


HEALTH BENEFITS:- Much of the interest in tomatoes has been due to the  antioxidant lycopene . it could boost the skins ability to protect itself against uv rays. Lycopene is even one of the main ingredients in new 'beauty pills'. Tomatoes should be eaten whole to get the full...


HEALTH BENEFITS:- Eating brinjal is an effective way of maintaining blood cholesterol levels. Aubergine is a good source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, folic acid as well as beta carotene. Aubergine is low in calories. Taking a mashed form of brinjal or soup adding asafetida and garlic in...


HEALTH BENEFITS:- Green chilies are rich in vitamins A and C with the dried version higher in vitamin A and the fresh version higher in vitamin C.  Capsaicin, the active chemical stored in the veins and seeds that gives them their heat has many nutritional and health benefits. It helps...
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